Caverion applies high quality standards and 100% of Caverion business is ISO 9001 quality certified. As a stock listed company, it is our duty to be a profitable investment for our owners through sustainable operations.

Digital responsibility

We are committed to continuously developing our information security management to ensure faultless operation of our businesses. We receive a lot of information from customers while providing services, which underlines the importance of the correct management of data.

With the implementation of information security and data protection policies, we can accomplish proper data processing objectives. Our company has been awarded an ISO/IEC 27001 information security certificate for its common IT services, indicating that Caverion wants to invest in information security and data protection management.

To ensure the correct handling of all data, we have prepared an annual information security and privacy training session which is mandatory for all employees. In 2023, 97% of our employees completed eLearning training on the topic.

Protecting personal data

The aim of our data protection is to ensure that the processing of personal data does not endanger the rights and freedom of the individual. This is an essential part of our operations, as defined in our data protection policy. We have taken significant measures to ensure that the personal data of our employees and stakeholders is processed in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).



Anti-corruption and bribery

Our zero-tolerance approach to corruption and bribery is an important part of the Code of Conduct. We have several standard control processes aimed at preventing corruption and bribery. These processes are part of both the sales and the delivery phases. The included checks and controls can be for example, monitoring, the use of ethical reporting channels, reviews, due diligence measures, and approvals. The processes are performed in tender preparation and procurement activities as well as in the delivery and execution of our services and projects.

The following principles guide Caverion’s relationship with its suppliers, subcontractors, and other business partners:

  • Caverion does not tolerate any forms of bribery or other illegal payments in the relationships with its suppliers, subcontractors, and other business partners.
  • Caverion does everything in its power to prevent bribery, corruption, and white-collar crimes.
  • Caverion supports open and fair competition in all its markets. Caverion complies with the applicable competition legislation in every activity and avoids situations where there is a risk that competition regulations could be breached.
  • Caverion monitors its anti-bribery policies by investigating all reports made through its anonymous whistle-blowing channels.


Our Compliance Program includes clear milestones in order to ensure that all of our businesses are conducted legally, ethically and in a compliant manner. We also have a Group-level Compliance unit headed by the Compliance Officer. The role of the compliance network is to enhance a culture of integrity and responsibility and to build leadership capabilities by rolling out the Caverion Compliance Program to local teams and their operations.